Where is Kura Oncology incorporated?
Where is Kura Oncology’s corporate headquarters?
San Diego, CA 92130
Ph: 858 500 8800
Who are the members of Kura Oncology’s Board of Directors?
Who are the members of Kura Oncology’s management team?
When is Kura Oncology’s fiscal year-end?
Who is Kura Oncology’s independent registered public accounting firm?
On which exchange is Kura Oncology listed and what is the ticker symbol?
How can I purchase shares?
Who is Kura Oncology’s transfer agent and how do I contact them?
How can I replace my lost stock certificates?
How do I report a change of mailing address?
How can I get a copy of Investor materials?
Where can I find recent Kura Oncology press releases?
Where can I find more information on Kura Oncology’s R&D programs?
How do I contact Investor Relations with a question or request?
If I have questions regarding Kura Oncology that have not been answered, whom should I contact?
What is Kura's CUSIP number?
Who can I contact if I’m a member of the media?
How can I sign up to receive Kura’s press releases and other company information?